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Ensight Feeds the Homeless: A Year Full of Thanks and Giving

Despite having one of Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing economies, the Philippines is currently experiencing a homelessness issue. In the Philippines, a nation of 106 million people, there are roughly 4.5 million homeless people, including children. There are several factors that contribute to homelessness in the Philippines, including lost jobs, inadequate income or a lack of a secure job, domestic violence, and the loss of a home due to a natural disaster. To address this issue, both the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are involved.

Whether we like to admit it or not, the majority of us choose the former. Instead of working to help the homeless get back on their feet, we blame them for their predicament. We are socially programmed to distrust those we perceive as not being excellent community members. Homeless individuals are frequently represented as criminals and disease carriers in the media, including in some movies.

Few people are aware that the majority of us are only one paycheck away from being homeless. One broken relationship or the loss of a loved one is all it takes to completely upend someone’s life.

Even the most rational individual could discover oneself in a hopeless situation with no one to turn to. So their choices aren’t actually relevant. The main focus is on the predicament they were in, from which there is no simple solution.

As a result, we should help them rather than hold them responsible for the things that are beyond their control


Since the year started, Ensight has already planned of carrying out community service. With careful observations, the core has unanimously decided to do a “Feeding the Homeless” activity, as part of their year-ender company goals.

In the last week of November, the Core, together with the other members, have been mentioning the activity during their weekly meetings. From the legal permits in a specific area of the activity to the foods they’ll be feeding out. Everything was planned out in detail – with the purpose of giving back to the community.

On December 3, the team gathered at the headquarters early in the morning. They have cooked fried chicken, lumpia rolls, and rice. They placed them in a number of styrofoam meal boxes and packed them up. The team headed to the permitted area around the vicinity of Cebu City – Maxilom Avenue, Jones Avenue, and some parts of Mabolo City. They didn’t miss any opportunity and witnessed the hardships of the homeless people resting under the scorching sun and sleeping through the cold nights. As Ensight passes by these fellow human beings, it is truly heartbreaking to see how these people are living to survive.

As soon as they arrived at each destination, all the members extended their hands in giving packed meals. It was such a heartwarming moment for the team to see the smiles on the faces of these people give – and that is something they will always treasure in the year 2022.


Indeed, this year is a fruitful one for the company because of the many success it has claimed. Ensight is a growing digital marketing agency in Cebu because of its local and international clients.

Therefore, organizations and volunteers both need to play a contribution to reducing hunger in our communities – including Ensight. As they positively impact the lives of those in need, those who engage in this kind of community service experience the unexpected reward of feeling happier within.

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Sir Russel Dinoy, Chief Operations Officer and Co-Founder of Ensight Digital Marketing Agency and Consultancy.
About the author
COO & Co-founder, Ensight Digital Marketing Agency & Consultancy

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