Just like a child — born, raised, and nurtured — starting a business is never an easy task. From planning to execution, the amount of blood, sweat, and tears a business owner pours onto his dream business is peerless. Ensight started with that.
You’re not building a long-term business if everything started pretty easy for you. It shouldn’t be. Regardless of the investment or preparations you have, a business won’t thrive in a month or so without facing any challenges. Trust me, it’s a trial and error process.
June 2018, Ensight was first developed in a four-cornered room in UCMA Village near IT Park, Cebu City, Cebu. John Rey Bercero, together with his roommate, Russel Dinoy, set foot on a freelancing journey where they virtually assisted international or local clients. As their partnership gained client after client, they decided to turn a 2-man business into an official agency — which opened the doors for expansion.
Four years ago, technology was already quite advanced. Today, online marketers are leveraging more seamless and powerful digital features they wished they were able to take advantage of back then. Everything about Ensight was discovered and developed in an old computer — the research done, the profile introduced to clients, the operations performed, the structuring of the company, etc. Imagine building a business one at a time due to a lack of resources. Well, that doesn’t hinder them at all.
Not too long when Ensight was just starting, a global event came and crashed every life, long-time plans, and most of all, big or small businesses. It might have been too uncertain for the business to operate amid the pandemic, Ensight continued to work not just on its own but for the clients’ business continuity. Ensight is mostly recognized for its compassion and dedication to putting the clients first. That’s just how they do business.
The past three years have been a roller coaster ride for Ensight. Despite the setbacks the company has to face, it continues to drive greater insights and bigger results on the clients’ side.
Now, Ensight is currently expanding its organization and operations. They recently partnered with Jaymark Sanglitan, who initiated amplifying the brand in the digital landscape, so the world can easily see them. After building other businesses’ online presence, Ensight’s next project is its brand. Throughout the years, it’s time for them to step up their game. That’s what they deserve — business growth.
Cheers to Ensight’s three thriving years!